Who are the Divas?

The Dirt Divas, which is a non-profit women’s mountain biking club, originated in 2001. The Co-Founders of the Dirt Divas were: Sharon Costner, Laura Smith Williams, Patty Smith, Michelle Goelzer, LuzMa Beasley, Mindi Seaman & Christy DeVorak. The clubs organization started a year earlier with an email list of 50 local women riders and would alternate a mountain bike ride one Tuesday and Booty Loop Ride the next Tuesday. As the club built momentum and split off as the sister club from the Tarheel Trailblazer, it was official the Dirt Divas incorporated and had their first monthly meeting in Jan 2001.

Trail Status

Courtesy of the Tarheel Trailblazers

It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?


Try looking in the monthly archives. 🙂