Great for beginners or for those looking for a fast ride. Not real technical but does have a few little tricky areas that are more like a complicated dip.
Approximately 8 miles
Charlotte, NC – From I-485: Take the Providence Road exit, turn left back towards town. Turn right at the second light onto McKee Road. Follow McKee Road. (stay to the left at the fork at the Fire Station) approximately 4 miles until you come to the light at Weddington Rd. Turn right and the Park is 3/4 of a mile on your right. From the Arboretum: Providence Rd. (Hwy 16) out of town approximately miles from the Arboretum at Hwy. 51. Turn left onto McKee Rd. Follow McKee Road. (stay to the left at the fork at the Fire Station) approximately 4 miles until you come to the light at Weddington Rd. Turn right and the Park is 3/4 of a mile on your right.
Watch out for families out on the trail either walking or biking. Sometimes used as race course for the Neal Boyd racing series. Check the website for race schedule…
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