This trail is awesome. It is very tight singletrack (particularly the first section) and very fast. The trail is pretty smooth for the most part and becomes fairly technical in the far loop. The far loop is on the other side of the main road into the park. This loop is about 4 miles long and has a bit more elevation change than the other loop. Ride on the doubletrack between the two loops and look out for horse poop. A great trail with lots to explore.
8 miles
Winston-Salem, NC – Get on I-40 West from Winston-Salem and take exit #182 Tanglewood/Bermuda run. Turn left and Go about 0.25 miles and turn right at the stoplight (onto NC 158). Go past the park entrance and park in the gravel lot on the left just before the bridge. Trail starts on the other side of the gate on the left side of the gravel road.
There are maps available at the Welcome Center.
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